MARCH 2025 #6

What an amazing last day! We had a great time of fellowship with the widows filled with singing, dancing, and praise. Additionally, we got to share our testimonies with the local school children and bless them with prayers. We are so thankful for the people we got to help with medical care and the opportunity to share God’s love! Thank you for your prayers and support.

MARCH 2025 #5

Wednesday was a great day of minsitry! Buffalo Covenant Church’s team was able to spend time at the public schools playing with the children, sharing about God’s love, and encouraging the teachers. In the afternoon, both team were able to help with mudding a new home for one of the widows. They had a lot of fun! We love getting to bless our friends in Kenya by meeting their spiritual, emotional, and economic needs.

MARCH 2025 #4

A wonderful day of ministry connecting with patients that have come many miles to see our team! We are treating each patient to the best of our abilities then ensuring we pray and bless each one for their spiritual needs. We have a great system going and do our best to welcome everyone with immense joy and positivity. Thank you for your support and prayers!

MARCH 2025 #3

Today was the first day of our medical clinic! We were able to setup a great clinic and serve 100 people that traveled from all over the surrounding community. There is already a line for tomorrow! We are thankful for the opportunity to use our expertise and resources to bless our new Kenyan friends. Additionally, we had people on our team asking to prayer with and nurture their spiritual needs in addition to their physical needs. Our prayer team was able to pray for each and every patient! And the greatest news was that over 60+ gave their lives to Christ!! Praise God! All of Heaven is rejoicing! Such a blessing to be able to serve!

MARCH 2025 #2

We went to Oasis of Joy Church and Jaeley and Stella did an amazing job sharing their POWERFUL testimonies. God really spoke through Caleb and Zak as they both preached the sermon! These guys were really filled with the Spirit as they preached God’s love, grace, and mercy. This afternoon, we visited a 14 year old boy who got a nail in his eye last week and is in danger of losing his eye. We are praying to God for healing! Our doctor on the team was able to help him today. The boy lives with his mom and 2 siblings in a 5 x 8 space and they all sleep on the dirt floor, so we were able to buy the boy a bed, mattress, pillow, sheets and blanket. It is the first time in his life he has not slept on the dirt and was able to sleep in a bed. It was heartbreaking. Please continue to pray for this boy. In the evening, the Buffalo Covenant team shared a challenging devotional with the kids at Shangilia.

Tomorrow the medical clinic starts!

MARCH 2025 #1

We have a new team that is now in Kenya! A wonderful group of students from the University of Northwestern and members of partner church Buffalo Covenant. They had a great day of travel then began with ministry to the widows. They will be doing a medical clinic in the days to come so we look forward to more updates soon!

FEB 2025 #8

What a special day of minsitry in Kenya! We got to continue to build relationships with the widows through prayer, encouragement, singing, and dancing! At the end of our special time together, we were able to bless them with food to bring back to their families! Additionally, we continued to share Jesus’ love at the local public schools playing games, singing, and sharing the Gospel.

FEB 2025 #7

Another day of God showing up! We were able to show God’s love by having a house and a kitchen built for a widow desperate for a home for her family. Her son George was the one that had gotten a nail in his eye and he is stable right now, but praying for complete healing. We were able to mud the new house… a ton of fun, while changing a families life by meeting a real practical, desperate need.

Later in the day, we went to 2 public schools and shared the gospel with over 350+ students giving their lives to Jesus! Praise God! God opened the door for us to share the Gospel through the building projects of 16 outhouses at these schools. So much spiritual fruit!

-Randy Stensgard

FEB 2025 #6

Greetings from Shangilia! We had an eventful day of listening prayer and community engagement! God sent us to the neighbors where we blessed their newly dug well and then prayed for health and restoration for a lost Christian. We also prayed for healing to an addict and preached the Gospel to others. The second team prayed protection over the orphanage and blessing to the community and that Shangilia would remain a beacon of hope to all who seek sanctuary. The third team prayed over residents of the village in the valley below Shangilia. We met and continued encouraging our staff prayer partners before renewing our friendship with Vegetse School, establishing relationships with the students and sharing the Gospel. We blessed the girls of Shangilia with sweatshirt donations and beautiful handmade dresses. Another evening of prayer, worship and dancing completed our day! God has really used the team to continue His work in the community!

-Erika Morgan

FEB 2025 #5

Today was a special day of ministry! We began with concentrated time praying in our teams and praying with our Shangilia staff prayer partners. We were able to bless the 26 staff at Shangilia orphanage with clothes for themselves and their families by the donations we collected and brought to Kenya. The Shangilia staff felt so blessed, and experienced God’s love in a very real way! This afternoon we went to 2 different public schools to share the love of Jesus. At one of the schools we are having 16 outhouses built, they are 1/2 way done and should be ready by Thursday. And this evening, another night of worship, devotional and dancing with all the kids here. Praising God for a great day of us living on mission!

Prayer Requests:

1. One of the widows son’s was poked in the eye with a nail. Pray for full recovery.

2. One of our team members has had a severe migraine headache today and has been in need all day.

3. Pray that the public schools will be open to hearing the gospel and respond.

FEB 2025 #4

A day of listening prayer! As a team praying and asking Jesus to speak to us about who he wants us to minister to and where. God spoke to us in so many ways, one of the ways was that he led us to a widow by the name of Annette who has lost her husband and is raising 3 children. God called our team to her home to show her God’s love in a real way and to show her the hope in Jesus! 6 years ago God had led us to her house for the first time, God told her that we would be coming. Her daughter Sandra a very very sick, out team was able come and provide some help. Unfortunately, she died 5 years later in 2024, but God called us there again today to show her the she is not forgotten and Jesus deeply loves her. Jodi (on our team) was given the name “Mary” when she was doing listening prayer. And we met the neighbor of Annette who was her mother in-law and her name was Mary. We believe God led us to her to encourage and also show her the hope and love of Jesus. The day will filled with God guiding and leading us to who He wanted us to minister to. Our God is amazing! Every day we are trusting Jesus to lead us to who he wants us to minister too. Thank you for praying for our team!

FEB 2025 #3

Sunday was an amazing day at Oasis of Joy Church! Jamie preached on Hope, Carson and Ben both shared their powerful testimonies, and the sermon made a huge impact in many lives. Sunday afternoon we invited the widows in the community back to share gifts with them. During our annual Christmas Catalog fundraiser, Love For Kenya ministry raised money to provide school uniforms and new shoes for all the children and grandchildren of the widows. Over 230 children received new uniform uniforms and shoes giving them hope for the day and dreams for the future. In Kenya, children are not allowed to go to school unless they have a uniform, so this allowed many children to be able to go back to school or to continue at school. We love any opportunity we can to show God‘s love in a very real and practical way. Shangilia is truly a lighthouse to the community and the light of Jesus Christ is shining in this community from the orphanage. Tomorrow is a day of listening prayer and we are asking God to lead us to those He specifically wants us to minister to.

FEB 2025 #2

Today we had the opportunity to love on, encourage, sing, and dance with 150 amazing women. Abby, Keli and Tirzah shared their testimony to this group of widows in a powerful time of praise and worship. The widows are the outcasts of the society, so it was special to show God’s love in a tangible way!

FEB 2025 #1

The team safely arrived in Kenya late on Thursday night! It was an uneventful trip, which is always good news when traveling internationally. The team spent a wonderful day of ministry on Friday in Kibera Slums (one of the largest slums in the world) serving with Pastor Timothy. They played and prayed with the children, served meals, and connected with the community. It was a powerful day to begin the missions trip!

BCC NOV 2024 #8

Today was our last day before we head back to the US. It was such a special time with our friends in Kenya, so there were many tears shed and fond goodbyes. We enjoyed a time of fellowship and blessing before jumping onto the van. A fun adventure was visiting the equator at Gambogi on our way to the airport. Thank you for your prayer and support on our trip!

BCC NOV 2024 #7

Another amazing day with our friends in Kenya! We got to have a special Thanksgiving meal with the widows and their children. Additionally, we were able to do prayer walks through the community, which included blessing a new baby and visiting Reverend Patrick’s home. Bonus, somebody may have got a special haircut :)

BCC NOV 2024 #6

It was another special day in Kenya! A few of the highlights include: gifts for staff, praying with 18 AWANA kids going to camp, building projects, mudding, devotions, & home visits. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

BCC NOV 2024 #5

Today was a special Sunday filled with worship and a wonderful dedication ceremony for the new gate at the Oasis of Joy church. Afterwards we were able to play games with balloons and enjoy fun with the children. Tonight will be a time of devotion and sabbath.

BCC NOV 2024 #4

It was a wonderful day of gun and games at Shangilia Children’s Home with the AWANA program. We also had a powerful time of worship and devotions with the children. As a bonus, a few members of our team were able to help in the kitchen and you can see them making French fries below.

BCC NOV 2024 #3

We had a wonderful time of ministry today at Shangilia Children’s Home! We spent time with the Widows ministry (SEDA) in a special time of worship and devotions. Additionally, we began construction on a outhouse for a widow. Finally, we visited and prayed with a widow who's child recently died.