Your donations allow us to partner with Kenyan leaders to change lives and create new opportunities for ministry. Feel free to partner with our Child Sponsorship Program, Educational Sponsor Program, or give a gift of your choosing to help our friends in Kenya.
Mission trips are an opportunity for us to encounter ourselves, others, and God in a challenging way through the power of the Holy Spirit. Interested in pushing your boundaries? Click the link below.
Consider sponsoring a child's education by helping to provide supplies, fees, and uniforms with a $20 donation each month. Please contact us separately if you would like to sponsor a University student
Stay informed and spread the word! There is no better way to make an impact than to become an advocate for Love for Kenya. Sign up for inspiring email updates. Like us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter by clicking the Social Media icons below, and share Love for Kenya news freely.
Consider sponsoring a child at Shangilia Orphanage through a monthly donation. Your partnership will make a lasting impact on their lives by providing food, housing, medicine, and education.
Please join us in praying for the Love for Kenya ministry and its mission to partner with Kenyan leaders who are serving the widows, orphans, and poorest members of society. Prayer is a powerful change agent.
To mail a donation to Love For Kenya please send a check to: Love For Kenya 9490 Chesapeake St. Highlands Ranch, CO, 80126 Upon receiving the check we will send a receipt. All donations to LFK are tax deductible.